Brave Clinical Balance System

    Brave Health Group has a specific interest in the management of PTSD and anger symptoms, in part, due to our interest in trauma and the frequency of those symptoms being present in trauma. Importantly approximately 40% of clients diagnosed with PTSD have significant symptoms of dissociation, which is generally viewed as a way to avoid difficult emotions and as a consequence clients with these symptoms are often detached from emotions. This can often be useful when people are working in occupations which experience significant traumatic events (e.g police, paramedics, nurses and military personnel) but often this detachment from emotions extend to other non-traumatic work events and this can also effect personal life and the normal range of emotions expected. This often causes a disconnection between the clients emotions (thinking and feeling) and physical awareness which in due course can cause poor balance.    

    Because of our continued interest in PTSD and Anger, Brave Health Group has created an independent business structure for the treatment of PTSD and Anger using the principles of physical balance which uses what is known as the “Brave Clinical Balance System.”

    A professor who is recognised as among the top 15 neuroscientists in the world states: “ Indeed, mindfulness practices involving movement and balance have yielded extremely promising results for improving Executive Function (EF), better than for mindfulness practices primarily done seated and considerably better than for many movement activities without a mindfulness component.” The professor also states that every study of a mindfulness balance activity involving movement (i.e. dynamic mindfulness, other than yoga) found either clear or suggestive evidence of executive function No other program or intervention ( including brain training apps like Lumosity) can make that claim for 100% of its studies. Likewise, recent research in relation to a Balance program has reported a 42% improvement in mindfulness awareness after the program.  

    Our Brave Clinical Balance System integrates with our clinical treatment interventions and our balance system is available on an individual basis or in a group setting. Because Brave Health Group has an interest in the management of PTSD and Anger, we also apply a range of other interventions including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), ACTV, Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) specifically for PTSD and Anger. Cold water and ice immersion therapy is also a component of our treatment approach to reduce the challenges of PTSD and Anger.

    Our clinicians are specifically trained to integrate our balance program with psychological treatment interventions.

    Please contact our Clinical Director at Brave Health Group [email protected] or 1300 000 105, if you would like to know more about our programs.

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